We get a lot of questions! We hope that you can find the answers you are looking for here.

What spirits do you sell?

We are a very new company working to release a very large number of skews. Currently, the only spirit that is available for sale is our bourbon, and our vodka. Please check back for when new spirit lines get released, and please feel free to place a reservation!

Can I drink from my bottle right away?

Yes! Your bottle is ready to drink as-is. However, if you allow the wood time to work, your spirit will improve over time, becoming smoother and more flavorful. 

How long should I wait before opening my bottle?

The short answer is- you don't have to! Your spirits is ready to drink as-is. However, we recommend unsealing your bottle and waiting at least a couple weeks before enjoying.

The long answer is- it depends! Remember: the longer you wait, the better your spirit will become and the more of a difference you will experience. There are several ways you can enjoy Bare Wood spirits:

Exclusive Tasting Events

1. Unseal and begin enjoying your bottle immediately, but take your time! You will notice a difference over time from the first to last sip.

Custom Barrel Engraving

2. Unseal and leave your bottle for a long time. Leave it for 3 months, 6 months, maybe even 12 months or more before enjoying! 

Whiskey Masterclasses

3. The best of both methods: buy two bottles! Unseal both bottles and begin enjoying one while you leave the other to continue aging.

Where should I leave my bottle to age?

Excellent question! Barrels that are aging whiskey are typically left in warehouses where they are subject to temperature and humidity fluctuation, which is what keeps the spirit breathing through the wood. Keeping your bottle indoors on a shelf will work just fine, but for even better results we recommend leaving the bottle somewhere it can experience more drastic changes in temperature, like your garage. Check out this article to learn more about how the environment affects aging!

Why is spirit disappearing from my bottle?

What you are experiencing is called Angel's Share. When spirits are allowed to breathe through wood (like in a barrel) they experience temperature changes and can evaporate. When this happens, some of the spirit is "lost". You may see the level of your spirit go down in the bottle, but fear not! This means that the bottle is doing what it is supposed to do, and your spirit left inside the bottle is improving! Read this article to learn why the Angel's Share is actually a very good thing!

Will my spirit fully disappear if I wait too long?

Technically, Angel's Share never stops. However, you can expect to only lose 2%-5% of the spirits volume every year. Of course, variables like the storage environment, the base spirit itself, and the type of wood all play a role in determining how much the angels take! 

We are still experimenting ourselves and working diligently to record the data so that we can share just how much you might expect to lose to the angels over longer periods of time.

Why are there flakes / sediment at the bottom of my bottle?

In bottles with a heavy char rod, the wood may flake off and some of the carbon may settle off of the rod and at the bottom of the bottle. This is perfectly normal and is safe to consume! In other brands, you may see bits of barrel char floating around as well.